Hypnosis & Meditation
Luna 9 has undergone hypnosis various times, each with a specific purose in mind. She has followed guided mediations and hypnosis sessions with the assistance of The Novie as well as undergoing meditations on her own. From relaxation to shutting down the body to transcendental meditation and out-of-body experiences, Luna 9 works on creating new associations for personal benefit of enhancing and expanding the self, called identity recreation. These exercises assist Luna by being able to link back to pask regressions and channel the higher self and re-establish a relationship for higher learning and further spiritual training.
I was able to accomplish my hypnosis certification through the NGH (National Guild of Hypnotists) early on and learned about the association of the brain through the study of neurology.
In time I realized there were a great deal of limitations within the circle of hypnosis. I decided to continue to study abroad.
As it seems, the Europeans have a different aspect of the mind and how it works. Being that these techniques work for many people in hospitals, I adopted several of their methods.
The Asian culture also has the use of Chi and Bagua that is incorporated with their medicine. Having studied martial arts, a great deal of their knowledge was also adapted.
Later in life, when I came to the United States, there was the study of the paranormal. This type of study led into opening channels of the mind that are often sealed off when we are children, due to social belief systems and other myths.