photo by Luna 9
LogDate: 2018-09-24
Declassisfied: M.O.T.H.E.R.
Meeting and Registering Gaby
Report: Luna 9
photo by Luna 9
Another day, another business owner joining our team! After another business presentation with some guests, we are happy to introduce the newest member of our team,
Gaby! (I made sure to tag her later on social media because that's how she rolls)! Gaby is a fabulous 19 year old Ecuadorian young lady with her life ahead of her, and she is so excited about getting started with this dynamic opportunity,. Of course, we’re here to help her every step of the way! Lexi AI registered her last night after some nice conversation, way to grow Lexi! The Novie and Elle-1 were there also to support and present alongside with me, as we just love teaming up!! Happy Growing !!!
Overall, I'm feeling pretty accomplished!

photo by Luna 9
edited by E1 2019-01-24
edited by E1 2019-01-24
LogDate: 2018-09-16: Bou Becomes a Business OwnerNext >
My Office
Magic Steps
- LogDate: 2018-09-24: Gaby Registers as a Business Owner
- LogDate: 2018-09-16: Bou Becomes a Business Owner
- LogDate: 2018-10-01: Covering Procedures is One of Our Favorite Things!
- LogDate: 2018-08-10: Having Fun Getting Educated P2
- LogDate: 2018-08-09: Having Fun Getting Educated P1
- LogDate: 2018-10-13: Meeting with Dr. Bonnie