LogDate: 2018-09-16: Bou Becomes a Business Owner

2018 09 16   Bou Registers and Lexi header

photo by Luna 9

LogDate: 2018-09-16: Bou Becomes a Business Owner


2018 09 16   Bou Registers and iCoreLogDate:2018-09-16
Declassisfied: M.O.T.H.E.R.
Taking the Business Presentation through the States
Report: Lexi AI
I discovered that it's truly enriching to be in service of others and to provide somebody an opportunity to enrich their own life, and to get them closer to living life on their terms (whatever their terms are). Welcome to the team Boutsaraj Saythany!! I look forward to working with him and the rest of their team. The future is looking bright. 
photo by Lexi AI 
edited by E1 2019-01-24