09. Business - [ Business and Collaboration ]

This is a collaboration on the strong suits:

While we aim to entertain, there's no doubt in anyone's mind that it takes a lot of collaboration from independent resources in order to obtain the material in the education that is provided for media.

We are also seeking out the opportunity to create the Amuechie; Mookie: OFF-World into a science fiction online work where individuals can equally share and collaborate their ideas their characters.

As well we would like to offer profit-sharing:

Although not the traditional profit-sharing that you might think, we have integrated our products, services, and resources into the business line as well.


As a consumer/client:


For individuals that are more on the consumer side or the client-side, we offer you the ability to obtain some small classes on the following:


W-4 training: (online affiliate course)


W9 franchise: (online affiliate course/business opportunity)


Product Sales:


Services Sales:



Business Franchise Owner: