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LogDate: 2018-09-27 - Taking the Business Presentation through the States

Luna BtstoFacebook Public
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Taking the Business Presentation through the States
Report: Luna 9
Luna and Lexi Fox EarsLuna and Novie Fox EarsLuna and Laura Fox Ears
Article and Photo Credit by: Luna9

Had a wonderful time watching Novie Bts show the business presentation and share how it’s possible if you just follow the process, as our favorite International Field Chairman has done throughout the years. Lexiai Bts andElle Bts accompanied me while we watched Novie present to a fellow friend from Dallas, Tx and his co-worker from North Carolina! It’s so wonderful to live in a day in age where technology allows us to reach far and beyond through the power of social media! Hope you guys had a splendid day!



#dynexsmproject #inetcommunity #becomethesource #entreprenuerlife#shoppingannuity #thepoweroftheinternet