




Reconnection is the re-establishing of the axiatonal lines that connect the humana energetics (in part Etherics) to the The Construct, Creator Gods, or even Source.

For most people, in order to begin to understand the importance of connections, it is easier to consider that the energy that makes your human body first is connected to the ambient energies which include the aura and the chakra system.

It enables encompassed (Higher) learning, and allows a beingness of deeper connection to the God Self (higher self) of each individual.

It enables the healing process of the body from the outside flow of energy and in.

Though many individuals focus on just the healing and the enabling of higher learning, it is also true that it enhances your abilities to think through common situations through the use of the encompassed self (higher self).

Axiatonal Lines became further understood through the shaman world late in the 1980's, as it was a needed part of being able to combine the entity life with the entity encompassment of the more expanded self.

When meditation is performed the practitioner (shaman) can see glimpses of information dealing with past, present, and future.

The person having the session performed on him or her can experience energetic releases, energy revitalization, open channels through the pineal gland, and so on.


The Importance of Cleansing:

There are many forces at work and sciences that our common learners are yet to learn. Reading through the 64 Keys of Enoch or understanding some of the issues that humanity has can easily show the multitude of symptoms from the many mysteries of human tampering and the sharing of meta-sciences.

It is important then to learn to cleanse oneself using the tools of meditation provided. Each person should have an approach or several approaches to the maintenance of their spiritual lives.

Experiment 2010-04-04 Reconnection: Asian Subject / Female / 22

When I interviewed a shaman late in 2007, he stated that his ability to connect the lines was something that he started to learn accidentally.

When I asked him how far he was connecting the axiatonal lines, he gave me a few generalities.

During our conversations with the Quantum State and Quantum Consciousness of Melchizedek, it was stated that he was placing the connection to the Creator Gods and not to the Source outside of the Construct.

Melchizedek assisted in perfecting the NRG-13 Method to connect the axiatonal lines to Source Consciousness.

During one event of connectivity, I was working with an asian girl that was having difficulties with controlling her professional career. She shared with me that she was facing challenges because she felt sudden changes every 6 months or so. As a result, it was difficult for her to maintain stability in her life, her finances, her emotions, and her relationships.

During her session and just before her connection, she was able to channel through another entity. This entity asked me to call her Serenity.

Serenity asked me to come closer and asked permission to touch my face.

Hesitantly, I agreed.

We began to dialogue and she began to explain the following:

The young woman was being used a type of TIMESHARE, where different entities could see through her eyes and feel through her body. Though cordial, Serenity explained that the lack of decisiveness was probably from other foreign energies flowing through the young woman visiting Earth and learning about all of the nuances found on it.

The young woman began training the next day for understanding her role.

I questioned Melchizedek about the length of the session. After all, many other people who practiced reconnection set a time limit. Melchizedek's answer to me was,  "You should do the procedure as long as it takes."

Looking through the procedure that was intended to be only an axiatonal connection brought out the realization of the issue the young woman was facing. By going past the set limits of reconnection, arrangements then could be made in order for her to have a normal life.

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