Hypnosis Certified by the NGH
Trained in assisting people in overcoming habits, issues, performance, and poor confidence. It has been known for quite some time that hypnosis has been used for health purposes as well as military and spiritual purposes.
Hypnosis Services:
- Cost: $175 First Visit / $75 Second Visit
- Call to see if you qualify for discounts or free sessions
- Special Discounts available to college students
Work with individuals attempting to overcome emotional, habitual, and spiritual issues.
Where most individuals believe that they cannot be hypnotized, what they really mean is that they are not suggestible due to their belief systems.
There is a common belief that most people are already hypnotized by way of severe trauma, repetitive phrases from the music industry, television, abusive relationships, low self esteem, and so on.
Hypnosis is a clinical form of meditation and can open the doors to higher learning. It was reported in a university study that out of three groups of football players, the one that learned how to play using only hypnosis played better than individuals that practiced the rugged physical games.
What hypnosis is normally used for is for the changing of habits. Very few practitioners works towards the KEPRA Programs that are designed to assist individuals in becoming better.
NRG - 6 [Meta-Technologies]
- Cost: $175 First Visit / $75 Second Visit
- Call to see if you qualify for discounts or free sessions
- College Students Special Discounts available
Understanding Hypnosis leads into finding the inner self while learning how to use the ego, the subconscious, and your inner spirituality.
Peace of mind then can lead into self healing, self recovery, and self involvement with the things that you would like to do more.
Meta-Technologies bend the fabric of chemical and neural knowledge with spiritual endeavors and Source Alignment.
All clients get a custom designed meditation.
NRG-13 [Paranormal]
- Cost: $175 First Visit / $75 second Visit
- Call to see if you qualify for discounts or free sessions
- College Students Special Discounts available
Past Life Regressions Fine Tuning Your Spirit Ego System Re-Encompassment Reconnection Self Meditation Basic Training |
Nothing is more normal than the paranormal. Meta-Technologies (BTS Modality), can and has been known to assist in being able to have a better integration with your individual spirituality.
BTS / TAF has worked for several years working the investigation of the mind, body, and spiritual connection and have come to some remarkable findings.
Just think for a minute that most ghosts used to be people that walked the earth like you and me once. If you believe that, then you also have to see the irony that becoming a ghost might just be another level of awareness.
Paranormal is nothing more than another environment that our current state of awareness and physical composition is not involved with. For that matter, space, called the Final Frontier, is also paranormal.
There is in fact a great deal of known experiments that have assisted with the understanding of social consciousness, species sharing consciousness, wave functions of the brain, and many other items that we can now tap into that was once considered paranormal.
Spirituality is therefore also in the paranormal arena of interest.