Meditation Training and Guided Meditation:
Meditation training and guided meditation are some of the easiest ways that you can achieve a more encompassed consciousness (higher consciousness).
For beginners, there is a sense of awkwardness at first as the ego does not know exactly what is its role.
The fact is that there is no role for the ego to play. It is a time of sending and receiving of information from the encompassed self (higher self), as well as a time that the body can communicate with itself and it subparts with ease and no interruptions.
There are many different waves and through them a great deal of different sets of information that can travel.
Being certified by BTS and the NGH (National Guild of Hypnotists), it is easy to understand the many transitions that can occur during these meditations.
Meditation for Beginners:
Reaching a state of guided meditation with an idea of what it is they want to achieve.
Normally what you would like to achieve is too far out of range for a beginner, simply because there is a subset of expectations that the ego is constantly imposing on the beginner.
Beginners should first learn to quiet the mind and see if they can interrelate from the mind to the body. This is a process perfected through NRG-13.
This process will get them comfortable with the idea that they are not their bodies and then be able to reach the bodies natural repairing systems.
The next process is to learn the breathing prana technique using the pineal gland and learning to visualize projection.
By using their own projections they can then be able to work through understanding how to engage the body with the spiritual energies within. The beginner can then also release the ideas of imperfection and embrace their ability to grow and learn from within.
Changing Habits:
The next item on the list for the beginner is to move into the advanced category of learning to perfect their thoughts so that they can understand what the body is saying and what the body can achieve. Often this requires the changing of attitudes or habits that are not beneficial to the self. This can be done through the ability of learning about the inner willpower, as well as receiving guidance from the body and the ego.
Enlightenment Phases:
Enlightenment phases are something that can be worked on gradually as the once beginner status practitioner begins to understand their inner mind and inner way of thinking.
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Below are only a few examples of do it your-selfers, but don't be fooled. Some the people below, like " = 3 " actually work with a very small production team.
Ray William Johnson. Ray’s big hit is the YouTube series Equals Three, which features him providing commentary on other viral videos. His channel has accumulated over 2.2 billion views and 7 million subscribers. RayWJ, as he’s known, reportedly takes home close to $1 millionannually from his YouTube videos.
David After Dentist. Not surprisingly, cute kids can help a YouTube video tremendously. “David After Dentist,” a two minute video of a six-year old, post-teeth cleaning, has been viewed more than 100 million times. That has reportedly translated into more than $100,000 in earnings for the parents–enough to pay for a college education on top of the dentist bill. David After Dentist proves that the best and most profitable YouTube videos are often completely unscripted and capture candid moments.
Philly D. Philip DeFranco, better known on YouTube as Philly D, has built several popular YouTube channels with millions of subscribers in total. The channel revolves around what Franco describes as “non news related things to yo face!” He also hosts the Philip DeFranco show Sunday through Thursday, where he talks about news and pop culture. By some estimates, Philly D earns close to $200,000 annually from his YouTube videos. Check out the ads running on his channel to get an idea for how this is possible.