NSA-6: The Novie

Changing the way you earn - One day at a time


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 {tab DynexSM Project} 



The Business for ALL walks of Life


We have such an amazing business that everyone should register today for a free consultation. Unlike other business and business opportunities, the structure, and design of this opportunity allow you to:

  • Start and work a business from home
  • Choose to start a career by picking one of 12 billion dollar industries
  • ...And then learn as you go and learn from other people in a team
  • Get on the job experience
  • Create your own Shopping Annuity by purchasing the things you already purchase every day and get paid for it
  • Be a part of the DynexSM Project, by using your social media platform to become self-sponsored



 Presented By: Marc Ashley (MA Corp)

Finally, a business that tips the scale for the common person! 



If You Have a YouTube Channel or any Social Media - The DynexSm Project is for you. 

If You Have a Home and You Shop for Items - The Shopping Annuity is for you.

If you like to take charge - Then you can choose one of 10 careers


diversity in business is sexy



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 Humanity's Last Hope.


Download Shop Buddy and start saving:

Novism Synergy Alliances is the foundation for individuals across the world to have the ability to learn about the world they live in and how they, as individuals, may participate in the bigger picture. 

United as a team of "Free Entities" and sharing collective knowledge, individuals can then thrive.

This site was originally designed as a hub of information, so that the human race, as individuals, would have the ability to participate in situations and conditions suitable to their needs. 


Don't Make the Same Mistake Other People Make

We're looking for just a few individuals to teach them how they can make an income, working at their own pace online. This is a unique opportunity because, unlike sales or services, this combines the richness of social media with your individualized talents. I am sure I asked you not to get confused by all of the opportunities and benefits we are going to mention. We will act as your mentors and guides until you meet your learning curve, which normally is about one month.

The DynexSM Project works with social media. It provides you with multiple streams of income and multiple career opportunities all at once. If you are well versed in social media, then this will help you. If you are not, don't worry--we can help you with this. Best of all, this is something you can work at in as little as a part-time basis. If you currently go to school, have your own job, or other commitments, you can fit this into your schedule.

Personally, I didn’t get it because I was trying to compare it to other things. Don’t make the same mistake that I did. To help you not make the same mistake, here’s what you have to get right off the bat:

  1. This is free. We're offering you an opportunity to take some time out of your day so you can understand how you can have the rest of your life to do what you want, whenever you want. Live life on your terms.

  2. There will be no money exchanged between us. That’s right! I will not ask for a dime. I am only looking for qualified individuals that might get along with me and my team. You can work at your own pace and come up with your own ideas.

  3. There is no obligation here. Can you imagine if you were married and had to convince your spouse to stay with you every day? Crazy, right? So why would I insist on working with someone that does not want to do something great for themselves?

  4. The ideas behind The DynexSM Project might be new, but don't be fooled. Personally, I've always been a little confused by the word "new." The word “new” is used to convince people that something is fresh. Would you like to go to a “new” doctor, fresh out of school, and be the first person he operates on? No? Neither would I!! So with that said, the work and the means that we are going to show you have been established since 1996, and have been the effort of many failed businesses. Through research, we now have over 200,000 people working this system. That took some time and effort of course. However, here is where this gets fun. We are looking for a few individuals to look at this opportunity with us, and evaluate if it is a good fit for them.

  5. We make no money from you coming to see us. Leave your checkbook, credit card, or debit card at home. However, depending on where we meet, you might want to get a cup of joe (but we’ve got that covered, too).

  6. We provide guidance every step of the way. Starting a new venture can be intimidating. So for that reason, we have created an online environment of free tools that you can use to start your own business online and work with us as a team. We will show you everything without holding secrets. We believe that for you to be successful, you need to know everything the way it is and as it is.

  7. Make your appointment with us. Reply to this email so you can have a one-to-one and see how this opportunity is right for you. Yes, we are like free mentors. But you will see how this all ties in.

If You Have a YouTube Channel or any Social Media - The DynexSm Project is for you. 

If You Have a Home and You Shop for Items - The Shopping Annuity is for you.

Click here for a quick overview of the Shopping Annuity.


{tab What I Do}

Novism Synergy Alliance Agent



As an Alliance Agent: 

I help provide economic solutions for Social Media Entrepreneurs, Artists, and already established Business Owners, by using their current social media channels to create multiple streams of income. I work with individuals online on how to achieve their goals financially, emotionally, and spiritually through our online broadcast, Become The Source. 

One of the best-kept secrets to building wealth is to have multiple streams of income. Chances are, you are already doing what is necessary to build that income--except you're not getting paid for it. And that's because no one has helped you tweak the system.



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Helping Others Simply Become

The Novie:

Hi, I'm The Novie! I normally spend my time with the YouTube Channel "Become The Source" as a character that walked into a human body (walk-in) and is attempting to figure out the ways of humanity. My character focuses on how humanity has been creating false associations about their lives and what they do that keeps them from achieving their goals. Off-screen, I work with Novism Synergy Alliances as an Alliance Agent. 

1) If you've been contacted, it's because I've seen something great about you. 

2) If you've stumbled on my professional profile by chance, enjoy it.

By the way, the names Novism and The Novie (my character name) are not synonymous. 


succes w business tools banner

We have made it happen for nearly 200,000 People




I Love What I Do:
Imagine a business model that's designed for all walks of life, and is virtually risk-free. Most Social Media Pioneers and professionals would someday like to have their Social Media earn an income, and if they're already earning an income from it, they'd like it to be stable and long-term.

I personally meet people from all walks of life wanting to be financially independent through their social media channel, helping them do what they love and simultaneously establishing multiple streams of income.

I use a proven system that has been working for over 200,000 other individuals in their walks of life.

How Do I Help You Do the Magic?
Most individuals in the market are using older, outdated systems of marketing and earning income.

Others make their money by selling the information on how to make an income from the use of statistics...and by giving you not-so-easy to follow advice.

What if you had the help and power of an established company that already knows what's selling on the market and can save you precious time and money?

What if you could work with individuals that will help you gain more financially and impact your stream of income while you continue to do what you're already doing?

It is your business, we only show you how to be successful


Let Me Be Clear:


  • We don't tell you how to run your show.
  • We don't tell you what you're doing wrong.
  • We don't persuade you to stop what you're doing.
  • We don't take a percentage of your earnings.


  • We simply provide you with everything you need to make sure you can earn an income. We help you adopt an established business model that has been proven for over 20 years to work, and which has helped over 200,000 people change the way they see their spending habits.

    For a limited time, the DynexSM Project is reaching out to Social Media professionals and experts like you.

    We will help you build a share market of your viewers by allowing you to learn to Self-Sponsor.

    As an Alliance Agent III, I assist in making your social media earn an income so you can do what you love.

    I provide Social Media individuals like you the ability to hold almost any product that you may have purchased at your local store or online and then represent it on your social media so you can get paid when clients choose the same products on your personal account.  

Best of all you, as a Social Media individual, you do not have to keep inventory or take physical accountability of individuals' purchases. (That's all done online, but we will get into that later.) 

I provide people with options on how to convert their spending into earning. I also provide a means for individuals to build a lasting residual income through different job systems like makeup, web designing, shopping, nutrition--you name it!

I also connect with YouTubers to spread the word and info on how to get money from doing what they're already doing online!

To give people the assistance they need whenever they have questions, I provide easy access to comprehensive educational systems on the ways to make these residual incomes. Not only do we train individuals on how to accomplish this, but we also give you the business model to follow.

This makes it easy for you to quickly learn, even if you do not have any prior experience.


{tab Benefits}

MA / Shop.com Will provide you with all the videos you need

A Unique Business Like No Other 

Multiple Streams of Income


In today's economy, the safety net of traditional jobs is shrinking. But for thousands of years, what made wealthy people stay wealthy was a secret not usually taught in mainstream society.

Have multiple sources of income. This opportunity allows you to earn multiple streams of income, such as:

  • Cashback on your purchases
  • Saving money by using the Shop.com web portal
  • Getting profit on all items you purchase for yourself sold on your Shop.com web portal (this is called the Shopping Annuity).
  • Getting profit, business volume, internet business volume, and cashback on items that others purchase on your Shop.com web portal.

  • Getting business volume and internet business volume on items from other UnFranchise Owners that are in your business co-op.


Personal Benefits


Pay Off Debt Early:

Save money and make money at the same time by using our Debt Shredder program. Save on your credit cards, student loans, mortgages, and other high-interest, terrifying loans.

As a MA/Shop.com UnFranchise Owner, you have the exclusive ability to a 50% discount off of our Debt Shredder program. This will allow you to learn how you can save from $45,000* to $400,000* or more on interest. In addition to saving money on interest, the Debt Shredder program also teaches you to build wealth (more on that later). You can also choose to master the program and use it as another income asset when you are working to retire in as little as 2-3 years.


Earlier Retirements:

We've said it before, but we'll say it again. Because the MA/Shop.com binomial compensation program is intended to work in 2 - 3 years, earning you up to $3,600* per week (or $187,200* a year), you can actually retire from your 9-5 job sooner than you ever could in a 45-year traditional corporate job.



Sometimes we have dreams that we would like to make come true, but we do not have the capital to invest in our own ideas. 

Imagine that by working your 2-3 year MA / Shop.com plan, you could be able to invest residual income (like having free money) to invest in the ideas that you would like with little to no financial risk by using business money earned from MA/Shop.com instead of your personal savings.


Willable Assets:

It is a willable asset, which means you can legally pass it down to your children up to 3 generations. 


Tax Breaks:

You get potential tax  breaks on:

  • Travel
  • Meals and entertaining
  • Home office
  • Car repairs
  • The products that you buy
  • Gifts
  • Car Insurance
  • Home Insurance
  • Cell phone bills

Your Health:

MA/Shop.com has wellness product lines that are used in licensed health professional offices (such as doctors, chiropractors, etc.) that will help you take charge of your own life.


The income levels mentioned in this article are for illustration purposes only. They are not intended to be representative of the earnings of any specific class of Market America Independent UnFranchise Owner, YouTuber, or any other individual or business involved in social media, nor are they intended to represent that any given Independent UnFranchise Owner, YouTuber, or other social media professional will earn income in that amount. The success of any Market America Independent UnFranchise Owner, YouTuber, or other social media professional will depend upon the amount of hard work, talent, and dedication which he or she devotes to building his or her Market America business. 


{tab Benefits +}



Business Benefits

  • Partner Stores 
    MA/Shop.com has thousands of partner stores. Wal-Mart, Macy's, Target, Forever 21, Home Depot, and Best Buy are just a few. You can get the same items you still know and love. You can even get cashback and IBV when you or your client's shop.
  • Free Mentors 
    With MA/Shop.com, you are in business for yourself but not by yourself. You will be working as a team.
  • No Territorial Restrictions
    Anyone anywhere can be your client and your business partner.
  • Working as a Team
    Shorten your learning curve by working locally or online with your team or the teams that you build.
  • Online and Local Seminars and Training
    Get training and courses worth thousands of dollars at only a fraction of the price, to give you a successful mindset and resources you need to do this business.
  • Websites Tailored for You 
    You get your very own websites (yes, more than one) to promote the products and services you are passionate about or that help you in your current line of business.

  • Shopping Annuity: (No Selling - Just Sharing)
    When you purchase items for yourself and your household and teach other households to work together, you create a Co-op of households economically connected. And you earn 100% BV from each other!
  • DynexSM Project: (Dynamic Exchange for Social Media)
    Increase your revenue quickly by working with iNet Community's DynexSM Project. Learn how you can help Social Media entrepreneurs self-monetize by showing off their MA / Shop.com. Watch your income rise up high levels by earning 100% of the BV they make.

  • Make a Career for Yourself
    By focusing on a major industry offered through MA/Shop.com, you can learn to master a career path that will allow you to expand your organization more quickly.


These are just some of the benefits of starting your own business with us. But there are more benefits and frankly, it is the safest and easy way to start your way into getting what you deserve out of life.


 {tab Your Free Gift}



If you book an appointment or reply to the email, we will send you a free gift to show our appreciation of your time. As a show of our thanks, we are offering you a free gift to start earning cash back on the everyday purchases you are already making. And it’s easy, too--simply make your everyday purchases from the Shop.com webportal as a preferred customer and automatically get cash back when you become a preferred customer. We look forward to hearing from you. Remember--our services are at no charge to you, and you are under no obligation. We look forward to hearing from you.







{tab Work with Us}

So what's the next step? Fill out the free consultation form! ********




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Standard - Self Monetization