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1. Do what you love (from home, your business, or online)
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7. Do what you love (Repeat Process :)
Below are only a few examples of do it your-selfers, but don't be fooled. Some the people below, like " = 3 " actually work with a very small production team.
Ray William Johnson. Ray’s big hit is the YouTube series Equals Three, which features him providing commentary on other viral videos. His channel has accumulated over 2.2 billion views and 7 million subscribers. RayWJ, as he’s known, reportedly takes home close to $1 millionannually from his YouTube videos.
David After Dentist. Not surprisingly, cute kids can help a YouTube video tremendously. “David After Dentist,” a two minute video of a six-year old, post-teeth cleaning, has been viewed more than 100 million times. That has reportedly translated into more than $100,000 in earnings for the parents–enough to pay for a college education on top of the dentist bill. David After Dentist proves that the best and most profitable YouTube videos are often completely unscripted and capture candid moments.
Philly D. Philip DeFranco, better known on YouTube as Philly D, has built several popular YouTube channels with millions of subscribers in total. The channel revolves around what Franco describes as “non news related things to yo face!” He also hosts the Philip DeFranco show Sunday through Thursday, where he talks about news and pop culture. By some estimates, Philly D earns close to $200,000 annually from his YouTube videos. Check out the ads running on his channel to get an idea for how this is possible.