Work from Home Like a Corporation:
iNReview: M.I.D.
Declassified: M.O.T.H.E.R.
Authored: Collaborative
Note: You must be 18 years or older | Must have at least 2 hours per week to work your business | Must attend Free Training | Must go through interview process | This is a wonderful opportunity, investment, and even a lucrative part-time opportunity.
Creating a Corporate Office at home has never been so easy.
Book your appointment today and get FREE TRAINING.
Is it really true? Can you actually work from home? Yes, it's true!! But how do you do it? |
The Story of "That Guy"
Let's face it. All companies in the past wanted to do is sell you a product so they can make a profit. Normally when a customer buys something, they are happy because it is something they either needed or wanted. The problem is with that guy. Who is "That Guy?". Well, it is that GUY that sells you the product that you don't need.
Just recently I was speaking to a millionaire that is currently working in our company. He told me that while he was doing good in our company, his brother was having a different experience. We'll get back to that in a minute, so just keep that thought in mind.
Earn While You Learn
Breaking down just some of the opportunities:
The system is Fool-Proof. Anyone that applies can make an income and be in the BLACK just by following our program. Skeptical? We were too. That is why NSA-6 put it to the test by creating the DynexSM Project and meeting with the top earners.
The main thing to know is that one product or service can:
1. Bring you a traditional profit 2. The same product or service can also earn you commissions (a 2nd stream of income), which means... 3. ...You can make residual income |
4. It is a will-able asset--up to 3 generations long (so your children may not have to work) 5. Training is available and we have a huge online community 6. We all get paid the same way 7. We help each other grow (there is no competition) |
PRODUCTS at Your Fingertips
You Can Become:
Best of all you, don't have to do it by yourself.
We've already checked out all the credentials for you.
Above: These are just some of the awards we have earned.
Although more and more companies are breaking away from the traditional workplace due to the act of saving costs, the same can be true about the many business opportunities available. |
Did you know that by the age of 65, only 1% of the population is wealthy?
The 1% are the guys and gals that don't sweat it. The can do whatever - whenever. The 4% are Financially Fit. Those are the conservative people that need to watch what they spend their money on. The 5% are still working means they are working way past their retirement. That includes the elderly that are greeters at Walmart and missing out on seeing their grandchildren and family. 28% are dead...probably because they worked and worried themselves to death. 62% are struggling financially, which includes a vast majority of people. You've heard of them. They're living paycheck to paycheck and as the saying goes, are one accident or bad day away from being financially ruined for life. So besides the obvious and being broke, what does this mean? 95% of the people are not well off financially. So here's the catch. When you step outside of your home who do you think you are most likely to meet? (I hope it's not someone in the 28% category, but all jokes aside...). Do you think you are most likely to run into the 1% or even the 4% on a regular basis? Highly doubtful.
Chances are you will run into someone from the 62% category, the ones working for fixed wages or commissions (including you and me). In other words, they're broke! So why would you take advice from them? That's like trying to get a college degree from someone that doesn't even know what a school is. Would you go to a surgeon that learned from TV how to do surgery? By the way, did you know that the new middle class is for those that have $1,000,000 in the bank? Do the math. |
So Who Tied Your Shoelaces Together?
How your impression can take you down poverty lane.
Mr. Hoskins and The Novie |
This is actually a true story. The person in the burgundy sweater is The Novie, one of our team members investigating the authenticity of the company. The man in the blue suit is Mr. Haskins, who is now one of our colleagues. One of our colleagues (also highly successful in our organization), told a story of his older brother’s early endeavors as a vacuum cleaner salesperson. His older brother (let’s call him Jim) had high hopes in the beginning. He thought what he was selling was something everyone needed. Plus, he thought there could be a good income on both a short-term and long-term basis. Jim already had a knack for selling to almost everyone. In fact, Jim was so excited one day when he saw a high-end home of a wealthy couple on his sales route. A wealthy couple in a high-end home meant lots of money and a big chance of a sale, after all. A big home like that needed a good vacuum, right? As it happened, Jim also had a budding salesperson in tow that day, so he was even more eager to make this sale and show the newbie how it was done. So Jim rang the bell, expecting cream colored, expensive carpeting everywhere. The door was opened and there it was. HARDWOOD FLOORING from top to bottom.
Now, most people would say “Nooooo! How in the world is he going to make a sale?” But that didn’t stop Jim. Determined more than ever to sell this wealthy couple a vacuum, he walked in and found the only patch of rug in the home, otherwise known as a throw rug. He began to show the presentation to the wealthy couple, never missing a beat. The couple told Jim that they were not interested. However, overzealous and wanting to do his best, Jim said “Oh but wait!” and showed them another feature. The couple held their ground for a while, each time getting more and more insistence from Jim. Then the magic happened. They decided to purchase the vacuum. |
So at that moment, Jim became THAT GUY.
When Jim returned to the office, he told his regional manager (code word for “mentor” in the vacuum business) about his great achievement. Well, having been in the business long enough, the mentor spoke out and said, “Jim, that was a terrible job. You sold those people a vacuum they didn’t need. What’s more, you pushed these people until they just gave in to you.”
So Jim went back to the wealthy couple the next day and returned the money to them. He also decided that he was through with sales.
So what does that have to do with Jim’s brother, our colleague, Mr. Haskins? Well, as it turns out, Mr. Haskins is also in the business of getting people the products and services that they need. When he told Jim that he could make a 6 figure income working from home or his home office and converting his domicile into a comfortable office, Jim resisted with an emphatic NO. | The way Jim saw it, you couldn’t really have a business where you gave people what they truly needed. And then on top of that, having a business that can teach others how to make multiple streams of income? Now you’re dreaming!
Dreaming or not, Mr. Haskins made that into his reality. He built financial wealth in about 1 year, while Jim worked his 9 - 5 for several years.
So whether or not people call this a pipedream, the truth is that people are actually doing this, and this is their reality. It could be yours too. |
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Disclaimer: You need to qualify. No Credit Check. No prior experience.
Remember You Are Humanity's Last Hope
This message is M.O.T.H.E.R. approved.
Organic Advertisement: All reviews and products sold on our site profit the individual volunteers and help pay for equipment and resources in order to bring you the best of the best. We will not sell your information to a third party. Therefore, we would not recommend anything we would not use ourselves. This organization also helps other individuals less fortunate to maintain income, support and a better quality of life. In this way, because of your effort and contributions, others can succeed. In this way, it is true that "You are humanity's last hope."
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Standard - Self Monetization
Work with us and do what you love while helping millions become smarter, healthier and wealthier.
Work with TeamNovism
Where the good guys finish first!
1. Do what you love (from home, your business, or online)
2. Monetize (the CPM System) (No Control or Client Loyalty)
3. Become an IBO (Client Loyalty and work with Teams)
4. Self-Sponsor (Unlimited Income)
5. Help Others (Increase Your Income and Loyalty)
6. Create Synergy
(Establish a six figure Residual Income)
7. Do what you love (Repeat Process :)
Below are only a few examples of do it your-selfers, but don't be fooled. Some the people below, like " = 3 " actually work with a very small production team.
Ray William Johnson. Ray’s big hit is the YouTube series Equals Three, which features him providing commentary on other viral videos. His channel has accumulated over 2.2 billion views and 7 million subscribers. RayWJ, as he’s known, reportedly takes home close to $1 millionannually from his YouTube videos.
David After Dentist. Not surprisingly, cute kids can help a YouTube video tremendously. “David After Dentist,” a two minute video of a six-year old, post-teeth cleaning, has been viewed more than 100 million times. That has reportedly translated into more than $100,000 in earnings for the parents–enough to pay for a college education on top of the dentist bill. David After Dentist proves that the best and most profitable YouTube videos are often completely unscripted and capture candid moments.
Philly D. Philip DeFranco, better known on YouTube as Philly D, has built several popular YouTube channels with millions of subscribers in total. The channel revolves around what Franco describes as “non news related things to yo face!” He also hosts the Philip DeFranco show Sunday through Thursday, where he talks about news and pop culture. By some estimates, Philly D earns close to $200,000 annually from his YouTube videos. Check out the ads running on his channel to get an idea for how this is possible.