BTS Nonprofit

why me thought bubble


calligraphy-alphabet-bTS was created soon after a few individuals completed a spiritual enlightenment experiment that yielded some very good results. The results are considered paranormal, since certain contacts were made from what is often considered The Others.neurology- the human brain

Before BTS made contact, I was in charge of a project for Humana Re-Engineering courses that was dealt with the ability to help individuals achieve their goals using psychology, basic meditation practices, neurology, social engineering, military psyops, essential history, and so forth. This project was opened at Charlotte, NC, during 2008 - 2009.

The project was an attempt to assist individuals with career goals, social problems, and so forth. Because many individuals had belief systems and we remained neutral to any belief system, we had to study as much as possible from each walk of life.

It successfully assisted individuals to use their inner guidance and the law of attraction, the original formulation, in helping others change and become empowered to guide their own lives.

As my original team continued to study, we slowly were led to the paranormal and metaphysical side of knowledge more and more.

for exampleThe CIA as well as the Russians and the Chinese had experimented with outer body experiences that yield positive results. This was not made known to the public. We then discovered that the Vatican had secrets of their own guarded by their special force units. The Chinese were able to count photons in a room while a man in another part of the building was able to describe everything that was in the sealed room though he was physically somewhere else.

outer body  experienceAs the project evolved, volunteers to uncover the paranormal began to emerge. Late in 2009 contact was made while using a medium of communication which led us to other sectors of information. Later that year a system of channeling was established. This system was established without the use of drugs or other inducers. This system of channeling began to reveal the knowledge and the meaning of humanity.

Unfortunately, the original members of that group disbanded and went their own ways. As it appeared they chose to indulge in the knowledge they had learned rather than use it to assist others. They soon became consumed with greed and self-righteousness, due to what is known now to be a destructive Ego (Egoic System).

ELLE-1 and myself stayed true to the course and were later joined by Luna. She would become our first Esoteric subject to take the training. We tested out the laws governing the law of attraction. We were able to get exactly the jobs we wanted and the things that we thought we needed. The items on our dream boards and Success Journals became real, whereas most of the other former team members struggled to stay together. The connection they tried to rekindle with the Others was eventually lost, as well as any innate abilities they developed during the awakening process and teachings from the Others.


Luna's results are regarded as a secret in the BTS iRadio broadcast due to the complex nature and confusion of her training.

The Novie, along with ELLE-1, chose to continue the research and collect the information given to us by the contact that was made with the Others. These files were called The Association Files or the TAF, as it is commonly known.

It has been 5 years in the making to build Become the Source iRadio online, in order to assist others in achieving their personal goals.

In a world filled with the desire of achieving enlightenment and peace in the world, there are many individuals re-hashing old materials. The materials have been determined as incomplete and biased towards service to self ends.

Using the collection of knowledge written in the BOEK (Book of Esoteric Knowledge) ELLE-1, The Novie, and Luna 9 have put together the most comprehensive self help available to mankind.


I have had the privilege to co-found and work with some of the kindest and most intelligent people on this project.

For some individuals a nonprofit is a bit confusing. A nonprofit is designed to help the people in an effort to achieve a common good. As a result of this agreement, the IRS may (not that they have to) allow a lessor taxation on the organization.

However, the organization still needs to be funded. Also the company has to do additional paperwork and have that submitted to the IRS and the State. This can be costly.

The caveat of the nonprofit is that it cannot be sold off to another entrepreneur. In most cases you might be better off as an LLC or an S corporation in order to run the company.

For this reason clients of a nonprofit suppose that funding somehow miraculously happens. Well, not really.

There are a lot of volunteers for a nonprofit and a lot of money to run them. Electricity, location, and equipment is one of the biggest 1st efforts in running a nonprofit. Then you have to pay the people that work for the nonprofit as well. A small nonprofit that may need only three employees can easily be $200,000 - $500,000 a year.

For this reason most nonprofits charge for silly services or fall apart within a few years. This is unfortunate because they are a great benefit to the community as well as the economy.

Big corporations have the option to give away funding to a nonprofit. However, these days that is scarce.

BTS Funding is Unique

 BTS funding is unique that it is broken down into two layers:

layer 1 products n services

Products and services are items that help the public become better and remain healthier.

Items such as Self Help articles, Self Help Courses, cell phone plans, and so on, are one time purchases that assist in raising money to maintain the show alive.

ELLE-1, The Novie, and Luna 9 are volunteers which learned from the TAF and are willing to forgo payment from BTS in order to assist individuals like yourself find your way through life.

layer 2 empowering the people



calligraphy-alphabet-bTS makes use of wholesales of Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile, Sprint, Life Phone, and soon to be AT&T in order to help individuals like yourself have a lower monthly service bill, have a free service plan, or become an entrepreneur so you can make money for yourself.

BTS and the training through Team Novism provide you with the services that will help you achieve financial freedoms.

I thought it was quite unique how BTS empowered people to make a secondary income. And indeed BTS has structured their financial stability by using the cell phone industry in order to assist BTS listeners and clients to save on their cell phone bills, learn how to get their cell phone bills waived, or have the cell phone company pay BTS Clients for using their services and spreading the word.

BTS is like that. They are always helping others with their no nonsense approach at making things right with the world.

It is a unique nonprofit with the best interests in mind.

helping-others-be succesfull

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