{tab=Just Do It}  

 Lexi Ai - Gets her first TeslaNSA-6 Alliance Agent Profiles: ELLE 1

 Helping Others Simply Become


Hi, I'm Lexi! I normally spend my time working alongside this amazing company. Every time I lead someone to the path of financial freedom, I feel grateful for my position. Helping others has always been a personal goal of mine, and now I get to do it fulltime. During the after-hours, I play a character called "Lexi AI" on Becomethesource's Amuechi titled "OFF-WORLD". She is an AI System that's in the process of becoming aware of herself. At the same time, my character's also trying to find out more about M.O.T.H.E.R. through her research. M.O.T.H.E.R., by the way, is a highly aware consciousness encapsulated in a CGI manifestation. But more on that later!

1) If you've been contacted, it's because I've seen something great about you. 

2) If you've stumbled on my professional profile by chance, read more! I will spill the secrets about all of our Opportunities.

As an Alliance Agent: 

I help provide economic solutions for Social Media Entrepreneurs, Artists, and already established Business Owners, by teaching them how to use their current Social Media Channels to create multiple streams of income.

I work with individuals online on how to achieve their goals financially, emotionally, and spiritually through our online broadcast, Become The Source. 

I also help provide economic solutions for everyone else! If you're looking to work part-time, at home, or you just like shopping a lot, I can show you how you can create multiple streams of income as well. Crazy, right? Keep reading to find out the scope.

I can't stress this enough: One of the best-kept secrets to building wealth is to have multiple streams of income. Chances are, you're already doing what is necessary to build that income--except you're not getting paid for it. And that's because no one has helped you tweak the system. This is why we are here.


Build Active Income Streams,

Digital Income Streams,


Residual Income Streams


                                                   DynexSM: Heather and Lucy Meet Bob, the common skeptic


If you watch the clip above, you see that Bob wants to find a better solution to keep doing what he's already doing online.

The decrease in monetization is cutting into his creative outlet. But thanks to Heather and Lucy, he finds a way out of his dilemma. Does his skeptical attitude control his potential to be a successful online Social Media Personality?

Lucy is an Alliance Agent, while Heather is both an Alliance Agent as well as a Social Media Personality. 

Heather and Lucy are Alliance Agents at Novism Synergy Alliances in the DynexSM Project Department. Their job is to assist Bob, and everyone else like Bob, to get from A to Z, with Bob eventually retiring with his multiple streams of income. Every step of the way, Bob is covered. And the cool part is, Heather and Lucy work with Bob for free. 

Bob doesn't have to worry about giving them a dime because the company itself pays Heather and Lucy the same way Bob will be getting paid.

Today, Bob is generating three streams of income, weekly--all from the power of being Self-Sponsored. Because of Heather and Lucy's training and support, Bob is running his show online, full time...and that's his career. He's got his dream job while Heather and Lucy have theirs. 

  • Bob started with the Sponsored program and found out how easy it was to earn while he learns.
  • Heather used part of the money that was generated as profit revenue to help Bob get on his feet and decided that Bob should be Self-Sponsored.
  • Now Bob makes a profit on all of his sales as his 1st revenue
  • He also makes a commission on the volume he sells.
  • Heather and Lucy are working with Bob, so he also makes a commission on the team that Heather, Lucy, and Bob built together.


That's three streams of income in one business!


That's right! You just found the very first business that works for you and with you, even at your own pace. This is a business that won the Better Business Bureau Torch Award multiple times with an all A+ rating and is 2019's Internet Retailer: Top 100 Online Marketplaces.


But What's Wrong with What You're Doing Now?

Nothing, really. But the key to success, in any business or venture that you do, is to fully understand how systems of compensation work. So let's dig in for some understanding of what's currently in the status quo of being paid for actively participating in a social media platform.

We'll call it the old way of thinking.

In the old way of thinking, the performer or the social media personality should get very little compensation for their efforts. 

Moreover, they should be controlled to the point where they have no real access to their contacts. Even though the idea of social media monetization appears to be better for a social media personality, it's an illusion of freedom. How? Because when you monetize, you're using someone else's system, much like a contractor rather than an independent franchise.  

As a fair example, let's take a closer look at a kind of common monetization system that has been dominating social media: YouTube Monetization. When you break it down, YouTube Monetization works similar to affiliate marketing. 

Most affiliate marketing programs allow you: 

  • The sale of the item mentions
  • Sales produced by a tracking system for only 1 to 2 weeks.
  • 30 days or less to meet a quota
  • Demonetization due to their sponsors
  • No control over products or ads on your channel
  • 1% - 5% income stream based on profits only

YouTube - Method of Magnetization


Them VS Us

Is there really a competition? 

DynexSM Turns the Table in Your Favor.

With DynexSM:

  • You can directly sponsor over 9,000 products
  • You can directly sponsor several services
  • Use our product line to become an online guru/subject matter expert
  • Earn income on Sales for as long as your customers purchase on your designated website
  • Earn income on Sales from over 75,000 partner stores
  • Change your spending into earning by purchasing from your own website
  • You do not lose your clients after 1 or 2 weeks. Keep them for life
  • You have direct access to your clients' emails, in the event that you open a new channel
  • You do not lose your income streams in 30 days. You will keep your income stream basically until you make your income.
  • There is no one to demonetize you because you keep your own clients separate from your Social Media platform
  • There is also no Demonetization because you own your own site and online business
  • You can choose from thousands of products to help brand your Social Media Channel
  • Teams: You are part of a team structure that will help guide through the easy process
  • Profit: You earn Profit on the items you sell on your social media or locally
  • Profit: You can earn large profits on services you can provide 
  • Commissions: Earn commissions on the items that you already use in your home and business
  • Commissions II: Earn commission on the items that you are sold using your social media
  • Commission III: Build a team or tell a friend to call us and earn commissions on his or her social media channel without affecting their bottom line
  • Commission IV: Team members can credit you for purchases that they or their social media followers make which adds to your commissions
  • Earn Bonuses: Finally get bonuses for the success of others on your team.


So, is there really a competition?

I don't think so. 

  {tab=Social Media Life}


Visiting and Collaborating with a Small Entrepreneur Team

That's me after one of our usual business meetings!

I'm not going to give too much detail on it, as meetings are something you've probably already attended. I've attended many myself, but I'm only going to tell you about the woman hosting this meeting. She's independently wealthy now, but to think she once worked as a secretary in Boston! Just about everyone in this meeting is well off, making more money than they need so they can live on their terms.

But each one of these individuals is doing the business the way that is most comfortable for them.

What's even more bewildering is that they were once ordinary people that were afraid of talking to others, and afraid of public speaking. However, the most important part of this story is that for most of them, this was first business--and their last! All they had to do was plug into the system, attend a few meetings, and follow the proven business plan. Simple, because their hard work paid off!

One of our members is just 25 years old at the time of this report. She told me in confidence that her first job was working at an amusement park. Her last job? Working at that same amusement park. She's not only wealthy, but she can pay for her medical needs, school, and still have money to invest because she learned the most important rule of the business. That rule is Collaboration.

iNet Community online is the cyberspace version of an Entrepreneur Collaboration Center. It is a Hub that helps you understand the many benefits and exciting opportunities that our business has to offer.

The next rule is being open and transparent. We will take you every step of the way in order for you to maximize the benefits and possibility of your business.

As for me, I like long road trips, working with Social Media entrepreneurs, and helping people become Alliance Agents supporting the free speech of Social Media, whether it's Bloggers, Vloggers, Podcasters, Writers, Story Tellers, Gamers, you name it!

I also enjoy teaching younger folks how to start a business online, while still going to school or keeping their current job. We call this the DynexSM Project, which is the acronym for Dynamic Exchange 4 Social Media.





Stop standing in your own way to success.

Call, text, or subscribe to my channel and start earning while you're learning. 

But take action today--Do it now!








Professor Puppet took the time to show how individuals on YouTube actually get paid. Although it looked good there were some problems with this model. 

Can you spot them out?


Sponsorship   Self-Sponsorship
Become an online Affiliate Marketer to help jumpstart the revenue from your online show    Become an independent entrepreneur online and make a business out of your products on your online show 
  • Try it out
  • Risk-Free
  • Share a percentage of the Profit
  • Free Support
  • Product Knowledge


  • Own Your Own Business
  • Risk-Free
  • Earn 100% Profit
  • Earn Multiple Streams of Commissions
  • Free Support
  • Product Knowledge
  • Custom Made Websites
 Alliance Agent I, II, III    iNet Community Member
We are currently seeking out folks that would like to help us work with others online   Make an income from buying for yourself online while building a community of others who will do the same
  • Own Your Own Business
  • Risk-Free
  • Earn Multiple Streams of Commissions
  • Free Support
  • Product Knowledge
  • Custom Made Websites
  • Training on how to mentor others
  • Own Your Own Business
  • Risk-Free
  • Earn Multiple Streams of Commissions
  • Free Support
  • Custom Made Websites
  • Save money on your purchases


No Competition--

             --Just Collaboration that leads to your individual Success.


Assisting you with a platform and support for Affiliate Marketing.

Now, truth be told it might be wrong to say we are "just another" Affiliate Marketing support team. We're more like Affiliate Marketing's even greater version! So you've come to the right place if you're willing to explore the opportunity to make money through an enhanced version of Affiliate Marketing.

But what makes us special? Why is our system so much better and so well refined?

  • To start, we've fixed the problems with networking online, direct sales, Affiliate Marketing, and online monetization.
  • We are also the only system with a safety net. 

We also show you how you can change your spending and convert it into earnings. Our company also has products and services that come with superior training, courses, and mentoring. This way you can be sure that your success is achievable as long as you apply yourself.

This is What Makes Us Stand Out Above the Rest. 

Ready to get started? Click here to arrange a Meet and Greet with one of our highly trained volunteers!

 {tab=Join Us}




 Join Us

Connect entrepreneurs together and create synergy.

Call it a Recession Proof Sub-Economy. 

How do we do this? 

We Provide a Safety Net: Get guidance to not only get started but to continue the momentum.

Proven System: We follow a proven system of building your business that has been going strong for over 25 years!




Business Owners

Business Owner 2





In USD Retail Sales



We Can Only Show You the Way

Welcome to the iNet Community!

We are a group of volunteers with only one mission: To help you achieve Wellness, Financial Stability and Independence so you can do what you like when you like. This is why we have the platform: For you to get ahead of the game with No Gimmicks, No Pressure. It just is. We leave the driving up to you. We can only show you the way. So which pill would you like today? The Red Pill...or the Blue Pill?

We have about 200,000 individuals that were just like you, who are now willing to assist you to achieve your dreams. 


Different Entry Programs for Social Media or Alliance Agents

Remember our services are free. But we still need to see that you are willing to do the work.


Resource Guidance: 


Getting Started Guide: There are millions of resources out there to advise you on Affiliate Marketing. But where do you start? Not to worry--we've got you covered. We have a comprehensive guide to start your business, with practical steps to apply immediately to get results.

A Proven System: For over 25 years, we have been adapting to the market (both online and locally) by being able to follow a proven standardized system that tells you how to go about doing your business. You can avoid the common pitfalls others have had to struggle with for many years before they get the gist of how to make money online.

Exact Resources: We have resources, seminars, and local strategizing meetings in order to create great team alliances, removing the need for competitive networking.

Product Knowledge: By understanding your products and services, you're able to have intelligent conversations about your products and services with clients or fellow entrepreneurs. If you're doing product reviews with confidence, you can bet you (and they) know what you're talking about. We get you to the point of confidently knowing about your products (don't worry, it's less time consuming than you think)!


Online Marketing and Social Media Income Streams


Brand Yourself, Not the Company: Your name is important. It's not just about representing someone else's name. This is the most overlooked item in the affiliate/direct sales field and even in network marketing. It used to be that once an individual trusted you and purchased a product, you were left out of the big picture because these customers ultimately went to the company, not you. Well, not anymore! 

Online Monetization / Self-Sponsoring: When you have 9,000+ products and then a few top-of-the-line services that you can promote, it's really hard to run out of options. Did we mention that we have partnered with over 40,000 + Partner Stores that you can also earn from and use as another stream of income? It would almost appear that you will need to go shopping for your very own red cape because you can be the hero to that customer.


Social Media

Sharing is Caring: Let's address the stigma of salespeople and sales in general. Most people who see the benefit of sales and extra income run into the dilemma of thinking they have to be like a shark to sell anything to anyone. You know the story because we can all say we've been harassed by a pushy salesperson wanting desperately for us to buy that one thing or service that we really don't need. We all know how it ends, too: We usually gave in to that pushy salesperson just to have them leave us alone. So when the bright idea of selling and recommending products or services comes to mind, we wince at the thought of becoming that pushy, desperate salesperson.

It does NOT have to be that way at all.

You can produce a significant income stream just by sharing your know-how. In other words, let's save your friends and family from buying the wrong things. We know that you care about keeping your integrity with everyone you are going to speak to about your product or service. With you having first-hand knowledge and training, you can help by sharing your knowledge and let them decide if you are a value to online communities. We have all of the best products and services everyone needs to have in order to create a healthier and wealthier lifestyle. How do we know? Because of 25 years of doing the right thing and taking the time to know what everyone needs. If they don't need it - we don't make it.

 {tab=Super Benefits} 

Super Benefits

When you know what to do correctly, you can get there faster.

And knowing what to read, listen to, and what meetings to attend to maximizes your learning, and saves you both time and money. This is called streamlining your business, which gets you to your goals faster. Talk about efficient!

Willable Assets: Unlike many other businesses or Affiliate Marketing programs, this one takes the guesswork out of whether or not you want to leave assets to your loved ones (or whether you even can). It allows you to participate in a standardized program for leaving will able assets all the way up to 3 generations. So your kids, your kid's kids, and your kid's kid's kids are covered!

Early Retirement: We estimate that if you follow our proven plan, you can build a substantial residual income in which you can retire comfortably...instead of relying only on the ups and downs of the stock market, Social Security, or the pension they promised us 3 generations ago. 


Business Benefits

  • Partner Stores 
    We have access to thousands of partner stores. Wal-Mart, Macy's, Target, Forever 21, Home Depot, and Best Buy are just a few. You can get the same items you still know and love. You can even commission when you or your client's shop. 
  • Free Mentors 
    You're in business for yourself but not by yourself. You will be working as a team.
  • No Territorial Restrictions
    Anyone anywhere can be your client and your business partner.
  • Working as a Team
    Shorten your learning curve by working locally or online with your team or the teams that you build.
  • Online and Local Seminars and Training
    Get training and courses worth thousands of dollars at only a fraction of the price, to give you a success mindset and resources you need to do this business.
  • Websites Tailored for You 
    You get your very own websites (yes, more than one) to promote the products and services you are passionate about or that help you in your current line of business.

  • The Annuity: (No Selling - Just Sharing)
    When you purchase items for yourself and your household and teach other households to work together, you create a Co-op of households economically connected. And you earn 100% commission from each other!
  • DynexSM Project: (Dynamic Exchange for Social Media)
    Increase your revenue quickly by working with iNet Community's DynexSM Project. Learn how you can help Social Media entrepreneurs self-monetize by showing off their Web portal. Watch your income rise up high levels by earning 100% of the commission they make.

  • Make a Career for Yourself
    By focusing on a major industry offered through DynexSM, you can learn to master a career path that will allow you to expand your organization more quickly 

These are just some of the benefits of starting your own business with us. But there are more benefits and frankly, it is the safest and easy way to start your way into getting what you deserve out of life.



More, More and even More:  

To learn more - register a free Meet and Greet with one of our highly trained online volunteers.


So what's making money online, how does it work, can it even be done? Click the next tab over. Just do it - it's Free!


DynexSM Will Provide You With All The Videos You Need

A Unique Business Like No Other 

Multiple Streams of Income


In today's economy, the safety net of traditional jobs is shrinking. But for thousands of years, what made the wealthy people stay wealthy was a secret not usually taught in mainstream society.

Have multiple sources of income. This opportunity allows you to earn multiple streams of income, such as:


  • Saving money by using the web portal.
  • Getting commission on all items you purchase for yourself sold on your web portal.
  • Getting Profit, and commission (two streams off one product) on items that others purchase on your web portal.

  • Getting commission on items from others that are in your business co-op.


Personal Benefits


Pay Off Debt Early:

Save money and make money at the same time by using our Debt Shredding program. Save on your credit cards, student loans, mortgages, and other high interest, terrifying loans.

With DynexSM, you have the exclusive ability to a 50% discount off of our Debt Shredding program. This will allow you to learn how you can save from $45,000* to $400,000* or more on interest. In addition to saving money on interest, the Debt Shredding program also teaches you to build wealth (more on that later). You can also choose to master the program and use it as another income asset when you are working to retire in as little as 2-3 years.


Earlier Retirements:

We've said it before, but we'll say it again. Because the binomial compensation program is intended to work in 2 - 3 years, earning you up to $3,600* per week (or $187,200* a year), you can actually retire from your 9-5 job sooner than you ever could in a 45-year traditional corporate job. And that's just commission based, profit will be on top of that number if you are also doing sales.



Sometimes we have our dreams that we would like to make come true, but we do not have the capital to invest in our own ideas. 


Willable Assets:

It is a willable asset, which means you can legally pass it down to your children up to 3 generations. 


Tax Breaks:

You get potential tax  breaks on:

  • Travel
  • Meals and entertaining
  • Home office
  • Car repairs
  • The products that you buy
  • Gifts
  • Car Insurance
  • Home Insurance
  • Cell phone bills

Your Health:

We have wellness product lines that are used in licensed health professional offices (such as doctors, chiropractors, etc.) that will help you take charge of your own life.



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